Hospitality Connect Class

If you're serving at Northside, then this class is a MUST just for YOU! We want our greeters, ushers, and security to all be on the same page! We ALL have the same goal, of connecting people to Jesus and one another. This class will go over what you need Read more…

Men’s Breakfast

Fellowship Hall 3602 North George Nigh Expressway, McAlester, United States

Hey Men--don't miss out on breakfast together, and some encouragement too! We meet every month, and would be happy for you to join us!


Sisterhood Fiesta

Las Marias 8241 South Hwy 69, Savanna, OK, United States

Hey Sisterhood--It's time for a fiesta! Join us at Las Marias for some food and fellowship. We'll have a great time visiting together and encouraging one another! Hope to see you there! Las Marias | On 69 S between McAlester and Savanna


Rural Compassion Event

Northside Assembly 3602 N George Nigh Expy , McAlester, OK, United States

We're excited to host this event and minister to those ministering in Rural Areas! We do need volunteer assistance. You can sign up to help in the lobby! More info coming!

Back to School BASH

Northside Assembly 3602 N George Nigh Expy , McAlester, OK, United States

Summer is over and School is back in session--We're gonna start the school year off with some fun! This event is for ALL ages--whether you're starting kindergarten, or it's your Senior year--there's going to be something just for YOU! Games + Water + Food Truck = FUN! Cowabunga On Down Read more…